Tacitus (Cornelius), famous Roman historian, was born in 55, 56 or 57 CE and lived to about 120 He became an orator, married in 77 a daughter of Julius Agricola before Agricola went to Britain, was quaestor in 81 or 82, a senator under the Flavian emperors, and a praetor in 88 After four years' absence he experienced the terrors of Emperor Domitian's ожыдб last years and turned to historical writing He was a consul in 97 Close friend of the younger Pliny, with him he successfully prosecuted Marius Priscus Автор Публий Корнелий Тацит Publius (Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus Жизнь Тацита протекала в один из самых напряженных периодов истории императорского Рима Он родился при Нероне и в юные годы стал свидетелем борьбы за власть Оттона, Виттелия и Гальбы Видных государственных должностей Тацит достиг при Флавиях, был. CrisperИздательство: Loeb Classical Library, 1925 г Твердый переплет, 512 стр ISBN 0674991230.