Book DescriptionThe controversial, almost mythic Louisiana politician Huey P Long inspired not just one but six American novels, published between 1934 and 1946 And he continues to resonate in American cultural memory, appearing in a 1995 work of historical fiction The Kingfish in Fiction offers the first study of all six "Hueys-who-arent-Hueys" as ожыкх they strut and bluster their way across the literary page, each character telling his own particular story, each towing a different authorial agenda Keith Perry carefully dissects the intertwining of documented history and artistic invention in Sinclair Lewiss It Cant Happen Here, Hamilton Bassos Cinnamon Seed and Sun in Capricorn, John Dos Passoss Number One, Adria Locke Langleys A Lion is in the Streets, and Robert Penn Warrens All the Kings Men Perry explains that Lewis cast his version of the Kingfish as a totalitarian menace, a sort of homegrown Hitler, in what Lewis later admitted was an unapologetic attempt to sabotage Longs designs on the White House Basso, one of Longs most vocal detractors, created two Long characters, each a rabble-rousing affront to what remained of the Old South order To warn readers of the dangers hidden in the politician-constituent contract, Dos Passos transformed Long into a shameless manipulator of the gullible American masses Langleys rendition suffers complete condemnation by its creator for personal as well as public transgressions Warrens spellbinding Willie Stark, almost as much philosopher as politician, ironically bears the least resemblance to Long though for almost six decades Stark has been Longs best-known fictional embodiment Exploring how and why these five authorsamong them, a Nobel laureate, one of Americas most celebrated political novelists, and a two-time Pulitzer Prize winnerturned one politician into six fictional characters leads Perry to conclude that Huey P Longs lasting impression may well be a composite of both historical and imaginative interpretation. Пищевые привычки2004 г 224 стр ISBN 0807129429.