As a celebrity scientist with regular weekly radio and television programs in Australia and the United Kingdom, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki has heard a galaxy full of questions related to modern science Do lemmings actually jump off cliffs? (They don't ) Did we really go to the moon? (Of course ) Does chocolate give you zits? (Never has Never will ) Did Einstein ожыцф fail school? (Nope ) Dr Karl has labeled this endless stream of questionable queries Great Mythconceptions Now, in his book of the same name, the good doctor seeks to set inquisitive minds straight on the most intriguing questions he's been asked Does the soul weigh 21 grams? Can you apply a mathematical code to the Bible to predict future events? Do we really use only 10 percent of our brain? Does a duck's quack echo? Can mosquitoes really infect you with the AIDS virus? The funny facts and dizzying discoveries in Great Mythconceptions answer countless questions that have been asked for years The book also features humorous black-and-white illustrations that reinforce each revelation Each section concludes with bonus tidbits that delve deeper into related aspects of each question. Cinquan2006 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 0740753649.