Gil Gamesh, the only pitcher who ever literally tried to kill the umpire The ex-con first baseman, John Baal, 'The Babe Ruth of the Big House', who never hit a home-run sober If you've never heard of them - or of the Rupert Mundys, the only homeless big-league ball team in American history - it's because of the Communist plot, and the capitalist scandal, ожо that expunged the entire Patriot League from baseball memory In this ribald, richly imagined, and wickedly satirical novel, Philip Roth turns baseball's status as national pastime and myth into an occasion for unfettered picturesque heroism and perfidy, ebullient wordplay and a cast of characters that includes the House Un-American Activities Committee Формат: 13 см х 19,5 см Автор Филип Рот Philip Roth Родился в Нью-Арке (штат Нью-Джерси, США). «Хижина дядиИздательство: Vintage, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 416 стр ISBN 9780099889403 Язык: Английский.